With Still Walking, part of the song’s raison d’être was to be a link to its ancestor Walking Away. The respective characters in both songs are trying to convince themselves that they are strong enough to “walk,” be it away from a toxic relationship, or physically, having suffered a debilitating illness. To quote Walking Away, I started with a syncopated vi-I/3-IV chord motif. Along with the phrase, “I’m still walking,” this became the song’s underlying Concept. (Incidentaly, I also wanted to quote the song Rain from States of Matter, which I managed to do in the last line of the chorus plus in the background accompaniment in the bridge).
You said (A)
Goodbye (B)
Gotta find some (C) place to play (D)
Eyes (f) red (A)
Won’t cry (B)
Gonna shed (*A) these (E) skies (*f) of grey (D)
half/imperfect rhyme :
"Do it right,
Do it kind,"
full/perfect rhyme :
"Do it right,
Through the night,"
Many thanks. Travel safe and talk soon.