My theory, and I don’t imagine this a particularly groundbreaking idea, is two-fold: firstly, that these institutions are simply part of an outdated system, made obsolete and being replaced by new ones (systems) taking its place. Understand I said new ones, not necessarily better ones, at least often times not initially. In the same way that, on the individual level, the millennial generation did away with a hefty bale of customs and conventions held dear and in place for fifty years by the baby boomers, so too is this happening on an institutional level by the upstart economic and political structures of the emerging post-2012 era. Unfortunately this breakdown sometimes involves no small amount of social devolution, but, as I’ve been told, and this time I believe it: there’s always a way up.
So, you might wonder as well you may, is this merely my long-winded way of saying: don’t worry, be happy? That we are merely bugs on a surface, caught in the wake of an immense moment of celestial transition, powerless to do anything about it? Well, I suppose letting go of anxiety and finding happiness are always good things, but really what I’m saying is the thing I’ve been saying to myself all year, which is: You matter. I matter. We all matter. We matter because, in the spirit of what this year is ostensibly about, we are the singular most powerful force on the planet. We are powerful because we are, all of us, creative beings. We can build and shape and sculpt our world, in our mind, ergo in reality, into any iteration of a planet inhabited by sentient beings that can possibly be imagined.
Through the sheer force of our will we can do this, plus a buttload of perseverance and effort, granted, but still, it can be done, if we submit that it happen. I was told as a child: man proposes, God disposes. This is a steaming pile of nonsense, and a great way to give up your power, to rationalize complacency, to relinquish your responsibility for creating your own reality, all under the guise of pretending to seem zen and at peace with the universe. Bullspit. I say: 1) intend an outcome, 2) align yourself, if you wish, with whatever non-midichlorian based cosmic intelligence you desire, and 3) MAKE IT SO.
Meanwhile there’s another branch of people, who believe the world revolves around them. And so sure are they in this belief that they convince us to believe it too. And we end up spending a lot of money and time enabling those people--egoists, narcissists, sociopaths; the people who have basically run the world for the past ten thousand years, maybe more--instead of nurturing our awesomeness within. These types have no truer sense of their worth than we do. Theirs is the previous definition of power, power as stature, influence derived through force or the threat of it: might makes right, as some say. And not only do they seek it, but oftentimes they get it, because in a world whose primary curriculum is that of inferiority, even stolen light can shine.
okay, that one's a deep, deep track :)
And then, maybe, then THAT cycle continues. That’s a world I would love to live in.
We’re not bugs. We may be small on a cosmic scale, but we matter. What I think this year might be trying to tell us is that it’s time we start taking responsibility for all that we can be. It’s time to ignite our own power, that stuff that resides inside us that makes us do mortifyingly stupid things in the name of what we love, it’s time to set that force ablaze, in massive letters, lighting up the night sky, that read: You matter.
And while we’re doing that, maybe we find a means within to stop being slave to institutions that seek to rob us of our ability to make decisions, whether a corrupt global political circus-show the only goal of which is to train us against one another, or the group-hive-mind of a parochial tribal collective that asks us to settle for less than the best we can be... and that’s about as far as I’ll go on that.
Always what is more salient to me is the change we make, the light we unlock, within. And if this is indeed a power year, then we’ve probably all been making some form of change, possibly without even knowing it, quietly, but no less significantly, for the last twelve months. Embrace it. Embrace the power of all that you are. You matter. You matter. You matter.
Wishing you a kick-ass start to 2016...
Now go be awesome!